Part 108: This is just the kind of time we all need to work together!

...And that is the situation as it stands and all the information I gathered while aboard the Glorious.

Mmmm...This is like looking into the maw of madness. To think a monster of a ship like that has intruded into Liberl...

What could they possibly plan to do with something so powerful?

Unfortunately, I did not manage to learn all the details of the Gospel Plan.

I do know that they've already begun the next phase of it, though.

They said the 'third stage' of the plan was getting ready to start, but that's about it.

The situation is grim...

General Morgan. Has the army begun to plan a response?

These two, as might be expected, contacted Cassius last night before coming to us. At his suggestion, I've put the entire army on a state of high alert. We have the entire aerial fleet in the air patrolling the width and breath of the kingdom now, Your Majesty.

I see. Very good. Estelle, Joshua. Thank you very much for your hard work.

N-No, it's nothing! We just did the right thing, y'know?

To be honest...I should have approached you much earlier. I apologize for my earlier behavior, especially the theft of the airship.

Wait, Joshua...

It's all right, Estelle.

I'm prepared for whatever punishment they deem fit.

Hmmmm...Your Majesty, what shall we do with him?

Yes...I believe we will have to bend the letter of the law to match its spirit, in this case.

In light of all the information on the society you have brought us, Joshua Astray...I am willing to pardon you for your past deeds.


But, Your Ma--

To be honest, an orphan of Hamel deserves far greater recompense than a queen's simple discretion.



...As I imagined, you do know.

That I knew of the massacre, and remained quiet about it until now...

Whaa?! What do you mean?!

The Hundred Days War began with a furious declaration of war from Erebonia to Liberl. It was given on the basis that the...butchery at Hamel was conducted by Liberl's armed forces.

However, as a condition of the treaty that ended the war, the Empire retracted the accusation...

...on the grounds that neither side would ever, under any circumstances, speak of Hamel again.
Just like Loewe said...!

Once I considered the circumstances, I could, if vaguely, see what had happened in the Empire.

However, even though Cassius' counter-attack plan had gained us significant victories, Erebonia had not committed the bulk of its military to the invasion of Liberl. If they returned, with the greater part of their army...

After realizing that, I agreed to their conditions.



I chose to prioritize my nation's safety over the pursuit of the truth. I destroyed any hope the victims, who were lost in the shadows, had for justice.

Those words that Lt. Lorence...that Leonhardt spoke to me. 'You are hardly qualified to feel pity for me.' He was absolutely correct.

Your Majesty...

Your Majesty, please. Do not blame yourself.

You had no connection to the massacre, and the safety of your entire nation was at risk. As a ruler, you made the right decision.


This land of Liberl is my home. It is the place that mended my broken heart.

I don't hate you for choosing to protect it, Your Majesty--I thank you for it.

Joshua! Yeah!

Thank you, Joshua. To hear you say that feels as though a burden was lifted from my shoulders.
Girl's Voice: Estelle! Joshua!



You're both back! You're both baaaaack!

Kloe, Tita...

Hi, guys...Sorry to make you worry.

Really, you two. The way you behave can drive a woman to drink, you know.

Heh...Still, though, good to see you brought back our little runaway after all.

Schera, Agate...

Glad to see you two are back!

Heh, I am certain this, too, must be the divine guidance of Aidios.

Ahaha...Sorry for all the fuss.
Young Man's Voice: Ya dang well better be!

I gotta tell ya, Estelle, when you got snatched up I just about flipped out in every direction I could.

Seriously, don't make me worry like that next time, okay?

Yeah...Sorry about that.

So, then! THIS must be...

Yes, I'm Joshua Astray. A pleasure to meet you, Father Graham.

Urk. Even more handsome than I'd expected.

And, wait, you know me?

I heard about you once or twice while keeping an ear open for what Estelle was doing. I heard how you helped Estelle when she was in need several times.

Thank you. I'm grateful for your help.

Mmmmmm...Eh, it wasn't a big deal.

So if you two have made up, I won't say anything.


(Otherwise some of us'll take that as a cue she's single again!)

(...I will, uh, keep that in mind.)

Huh? What're you two whispering about?

Nothin', just a 'guy thing.'

Yes, it's nothing.

If it's something dirty, I can show you the 'Girl Thing We Do With A Stick' in response.
Man's Voice: Pardon me, Your Majesty.



General Bright, thank you for coming.

Have you gotten the orders out to all forces?

Yes. I flew out here as soon as I was finished.

I thought it was about time to come and do my duty as a father.

Wha? is.

I'm sorry I made you worry.

I knew the oath you made. I'm nearly as much to blame as you are.

You needn't apologize, but...I must do my duty.



Whoa! Wait, DAD!

It's all right, Estelle.

That's what you're supposed to do to a runaway son, right?


It looks like you understand now...just how badly everyone was worried about you, hm?


It's just the sort of thing someone like me wouldn't realize, isn't it?

Yes, it is a hard thing to truly grasp.

No man stands alone, even if he tries his hardest to. He is affected by those around him. And conversely, he affects those around him, simply through the act of living. Even without meaning to, we form relationships. And in time, those relationships become bonds.


And a bond, once formed, never breaks. No matter how far we travel, no matter what path we follow...they remain in some form.

Do you understand just how strong such bonds can be, now?

Yes...Honestly, I'd underestimated them.

I didn't understand how powerful they could be at all.


If you've learned that, then I think your little walking tour was worth it. damn fool of a son of mine. Welcome home.


*sniff* Ehehehe...

Hmph, I might say half the foolishness comes from the parent myself.

Hmhm! It's a lovely moment, Morgan. Come now.
Woman's Voice: Pardon me!

Captain Schwarz? What is it?
-Hollow Light of the Sealed Land-

Your Majesty! Sirs! There are massive groups of unidentified...CREATURES near all five major cities! From the reports, we suspect they may be archaisms, but we're not sure!


They've started moving.

Also, we've received reports of herds of armored beasts and soldiers wearing red from every region! Local guard forces are engaged in fighting them back!

As I feared.

I should return to Haken Gate immediately.


Schwarz, there can't possibly be MORE.

There is. We lack details, but there is some kind of...'abnormality,' is the only way to put it, at the towers. The top of each tower has been...engulfed in darkness. It's bizarre.

What in the...

I hate it when my bad feelings turn out to be right.

Furthermore, a guard ship on patrol attempted to approach one...But it began suffering catastrophic system failure as it approached and only barely managed to pull back.

Orbal suspension.

What about ground-based scouts?

I've already dispatched them. No word back y--
Man's Voice: E-Excuse me! Captain Schwarz! I have a report!
Royal Army Officer: It sounds impossible, but every squad was scattered by just one person! The reports are consistent...


That can only be...!

Yes. Only an Enforcer could do that.

Dad. The normal army troops have no hope of defeating them. Let me go.


Excuse me, Joshua...but why are you trying to go out on your own? Did you already forget the promise we made?

But, Estelle...

The society's on the move. As a bracer of Liberl, I can't just sit back and ignore them! I'm going after them too. Either way.


It isn't just Estelle, either. I'm coming as well. I have my own personal reasons for wanting to confront one of them, after all.

As do I.

Schera, Zane...

Point is, you ain't the only one tied up in this. No runnin' off without us, got it?

That's right, Joshua!

This is just the kind of time we all need to work together!

Agate, Tita...

...Thank you. I appreciate it.

Looks like you've decided.

Then allow me to make a formal request of the Bracer Guild on behalf of the Royal Army. I want you to investigate and resolve the situations at each of the Tetracyclic Towers. Bring the phenomena to a halt, and, if possible, apprehend those responsible.

Yeah...Got it!

The guild accepts your mission, General Bright.

Grandmother...Will you lend us the Arseille?


Y-Your Highness?

Hmhm. Certainly. This is a situation which demands haste. I was considering offering the Arseille regardless, but...

If you are asking yourself, does that mean you are ready?

No...Not yet.

When I return the ship, however, then I will have an answer for you.

Hmhm! Very well.

Liberl's wings of hope are yours to use as you see fit.

Thank you very much.

Julia! Prepare the Arseille for launch, please. We must head to the towers immediately.

By your command, milady!
And so Liberl fell into chaos not seen since the Hundred Days War. Cassius and Morgan returned to Leiston Fortress and the Haken Gate, respectively, to take command of the Royal Army. Meanwhile, Estelle and her friends headed for the towers which dotted the landscape, using the Arseille.
Received payment for [Facility Infiltration].
Payment in mira: 10000 (+0)
Gained BP: 4 (+5)
Rank advancement to [Senior Bracer - B Rank].
Received Gladiator Belt accessory as a perk.
+10 STR/-10 DEF, and the wearer gains a few CP for every turn that passes in combat. It's good stuff.

It is a bit out of the blue.

No, to be honest, I was due back some time ago.

However you, Estelle, so monopolized my time, I delayed my return for a while.

I see...Sorry, I guess it's my fault.

Heh, not at all. Don't you worry your precious head over it. In return for my accompanying you hither and yon, I was able to reunite with my dear, sweet Joshua, after all!

Haha. You're the same as always, Olivier.

...Say, Olivier.

What is it?


...No, never mind.

Thank you for taking the time to help Estelle on her journeys.

Heh, I merely followed my whims. You need not be so guarded.

Though, if you insist on a passionate farewell kiss, well!

Yeah, no, that's enough, thanks.

Ha...Can't you say goodbye seriously at least once?

Haha, I thought you would have learned by now that I am always serious!

Estelle, Joshua, Schera, everyone. You have great trials ahead of you, so be careful.

Know that Olivier Lenheim shall pray for your success from the skies of Erebonia.

Thanks, Olivier.

Hmmhmm...You take care, too.

Stay safe...Olivier.

If we get the chance, we should go drinking again!

Next time we meet, try ditchin' the love-struck idiot act, all right?

Um, haha...Goodbye, Olivier!

Didn't know ya long, but it was good times! See ya!

Farewell, Olivier...Thank you for your help!


Hello again, friends!

Tita, have you been a good girl?

Heehee! Yep!

Back up a sec, Gramps. Why're you here?

Well, as you MAY have noticed, a fair bit's going on. They brought me on board a few days ago.

Far more importantly...Estelle, Joshua! It does an old man's heart good to see you two back safe.

Hahaha...Yeah, we managed it, somehow.

I'm sincerely sorry to have worried you, Professor.

No, no, my boy. If you're back safe, that's what matters.

So, the business at hand is the Tetracyclic Towers and that strangeness atop them. Looks like I'll have to throw this old back back into another mystery.

Thanks, Professor.

I was wondering. Do you have any suggestions for which tower we should start with?

That's a good question. The closest are the Amberl and Carnelia Towers, but really, they're all the same now.

With the Arseille's speed, the distance doesn't really matter.

My advice would be to prioritize targets where we have solid information on our enemies.

Information? Like what?

We received an update from the scout unit dispatched to Esmelas Tower. A masked man in formal, white clothing appeared there.

That must be that 'Phantom Thief' guy!

But what we heard back in the castle...To be defeated by one man...

Hmph. Guess he isn't just some opera clown, after all.

Bleublanc, the Phantom Thief...

His specialty as an Enforcer is in trickery: false image copies, shadow pinning, that sort of thing. Fighting him is going to be like fighting a riddle.

That sounds ducky.

Still, just knowing who the enemy is will make it easier than any other tower.

Okay! Let's head to Esmelas Tower first!

As you wish.

Set course for Esmelas Tower in the Rolent region!

No, I may yet have one chance left, perhaps.
Girl's Voice: W-Waaaaaaaaait!

Awwww, they're gone!

Hooh, haah...Didn't make it in time, huh? Hooh...

What ho, good reporters? Were you hoping to get on board as you did with the dragon case?

Yeah, and we heard Joshua was back.

Ah, whatever. Dorothy! Hurry up and grab a shot of the Arseille. If you use the long-distance lens, we should be able to get a useable shot.

Aye, aye, sir!

Such as they were to make, yes.

How have your preparations come along?

I managed to arrange everything with my uncle. As for Chancellor Osborne, he actually found the idea to be perfectly timed.

He does seem like the kind of man who would be well liked by Liberlians.

Heh. This will be a grand processional.

*sigh* You have the nastiest hobbies.

I can already see their shocked expressions in my mind.

Ha-ha-ha! Ah, but that is a large part of the goal, my friend.

(Do not lose to the likes of the society, my erstwhile Liberlian allies.)